Eric Fischl seems to have experimented with a very wide array of subjects and composition, as well as medium. I too intend to experiment with these, but for now I'm still on my beach kick, which fortunately Fischl has dabbled with as well. And they are truly amazing!
"Untitled (Brice in Pink Shirt)" 2006
This is a perfect combination of beach imagery and figural imagery, both of which I have been focusing on lately. The way these figures are arranged appears so natural, as if this could be a photograph. It captures everyday activity on the beach. None of these figures are idealized nor is anyone being attacked by a shark or viciously sun burnt (though I do love those compositions). It's so natural, so honest.
"Beach Scene with Pink Hat" 2006
Similar thing going on here. I love it, but if I were doing this I might vary up the sizes, shapes and skin tones of the people shown. They're all looking a bit too athletic and Caucasian for me. But the composition is great! Very busy, and again very natural.