Monday, October 24, 2011

Points of Balance

     I have a senior art exhibition coming up in early May of 2012, entitled Points of Balance. I've been working on my pieces for this show already, so I may as well share my proposal:
     First of all, the location of my pieces will be inside a glass case right outside the St. Edward's art gallery. I'll put in three shelves on which I'll display various sea themed sculptures. For now, I think each of the three shelves will be divided according to the levels of the ocean. Like, the top shelf will be the surface where I'll have some suspended sea gulls, a great white shark plunging out of the water, etc. The middle shelf will be where all of the normal critters are found, like an octopus, etc. And the bottom shelf, my favorite, will be home to the deep dark ocean floor dwellers like an angler fish.
     The purpose here, and with all of my art, is to evoke excitement from my audience. I don't want to depress anyone with this piece, and I don't see how I could... unless maybe a shark attack victim was to view my work, in which case I understand. Furthermore, the ocean has always been a mysterious and wonderful place for me. So this piece will have a lot to do with nostalgia, though I'm still in the process of putting all this into (better) words for my artists statement, which will be posted here when I finish.
     I'm really excited about this piece, but I have tons to do yet. I only have four sculptures made (octopus, angler fish, school of fish, and great white shark), but I want around 10. Of those four though, only two are painted. I also want to experiment with light in the bottom dwelling creatures, so I'll need help there. And lastly, I need to paint backdrops on canvas for each of the three levels/shelves. Wow.

Acrylic on Terra Cotta Clay, 2011

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